GIMB programme

As early as 2006, faced with the growing problems of obesity and sedentary behaviour and as part of an international commitment, the Luxembourg ministries whose missions included education, health, sport, family and integration launched a national inter-ministerial action plan entitled "Eat healthy, move more" (Gesond iessen, Méi beweegen), or GIMB. 

Our GIMB vision

The purpose of these guidelines is to steer the introduction of each measure and activity:

Access for all

  • To combat inequities (a lack of equity) in access to a balanced diet and physical activities;
  • To adapt the actions to different contexts and characteristics of different population groups (e.g. the elderly, adults, pregnant women, young children, teenagers, vulnerable people, etc.) and individuals;
  • To adopt a life-long approach.

To act together

  •  To consolidate community action;
  •  To encourage everyone to take part;
  •  To promote cross-sector collaboration and networking;
  •  To reinforce and broaden the inter-ministerial approach;
  •  To collaborate at international level.


  •  To provide people with the means to act;
  •  To provide local authorities and institutions with the means to act.

Durability and viability of the strategy and actions

  •  To initiate a dynamic, progressive process;
  •  To guarantee the long-term availability of the necessary resources;
  •  To apply strategies and actions based on well-established factual evidence.

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