2018-2025 GIMB National Plan

An inter-ministerial programme launched in 2006 

The Grand Duchy began the "Eat healthy, be more active" (Gesond iessen, Méi beweegen) inter-ministerial National Action Plan in 2006 to tackle the growing problem of obesity and sedentary lifestyle (lack of physical activity) in the general population. The Plan focuses particularly on children and adolescents.

Its main objective is to promote healthy eating and regular physical exercise.

In terms of diet, the Plan aims to improve people's eating habits and to promote healthy food products. In terms of physical activity, the Plan aims to get people moving and boost individual and group activity to improve health.

GIMB is a joint inter-ministerial programme involving the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Sport, the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth and the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region, promoting shared actions to improve health outcomes in the population.

GIMB has since become an initiative which has given rise to multiple national, local, communal and corporate projects throughout the country.

The new National Plan "Eat healthy, be more active" (Gesond iessen, Méi beweegen) 

On Friday 6 July 2018, the government council agreed to renew the "Gesond iessen, Méi beweegen" (GIMB) programme as part of the GIMB National Plan for 2018-2025. This agreement has enabled the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Sport, the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth and the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region to renew and confirm their collaboration.

The purpose of this inter-ministerial collaboration is to promote a balanced diet and regular and appropriate physical activity, and to combat the issues of obesity and sedentary lifestyle for the population as a whole.

The new GIMB National Plan actions and measures aim to encourage citizens of all ages to adopt a healthy lifestyle by eating a more balanced diet and undertaking regular and appropriate physical activity. The plan focuses on collaboration and networking between partners and stakeholders on the ground, and adopts an inter-disciplinary approach.

Objectives of the new GIMB National Plan 

The National Plan is based around 6 main focus areas and has the following objectives:

Focus area 1: Strengthen governance

  • Implement a GIMB policy management and representation system.
  • Strengthen the visibility and standing of the GIMB policy at a national level, while building international collaboration.

Focus area 2: Promote a balanced diet and regular, appropriate physical activity in all policies

  • Create an optimal environment for adopting a balanced diet and undertaking regular, appropriate physical activity for all ages.
  • Improve the required skills for adopting a balanced diet and undertaking regular, appropriate physical activity.

Focus area 3 : Ensure that the GIMB programme is viable and implemented nationally

  • Ensure that national messages on balanced diet and regular, appropriate physical activity are consistent.
  • Boost the communication and visibility of GIMB policy activities.

Focus area 4 : Implement measures to consolidate and extend GIMB 

  • Create a network and strengthen links with partners. 

Focus area 5 : Ensure that the GIMB programme is accessible 

  • Ensure that the GIMB programme is accessible for adults, older people and vulnerable groups. 

Focus area 6 : Set up an evaluation system

  • Develop quantitative and qualitative indicators to monitor the GIMB strategy.
  • Set up a process and results evaluation procedure so that GIMB actions can be adapted throughout the programme.

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