Extension of the National Action Plan specifically for physical activity

By implementing its "Eat healthy, move more" (Gesond iessen, Méi beweegen) National Action Plan in July 2006, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg joined the ranks of countries which have responded to the European Commission and European Parliament's recommendations. This pioneering process reflects Luxembourg's inter-departmental and interdisciplinary policy, deemed exemplary by national experts.

The Action Plan set 3 objectives:

  • Inform and raise awareness;
  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet;
  • Increase the physical activity of our population, particularly children and young people.

An inter-ministerial committee coordinates this common approach and ensures that the actions taken are consistent and complement one another, as set out by the 4 ministries' joint statement in July 2006. 

Data gathered during a longitudinal study on the health and motor skills of young people in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, which was published in 2010, showed that we need to be more proactive in promoting the motor skills of our population, by involving new partners, coordinating actions, ensuring consistency and investing in further resources.

We therefore extended the physical activity component of the Action Plan with new political and non-governmental partners. The Council of Government adopted this extension in June 2011.

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