If they refuse certain foods

Refusal of certain foods is common in children, depending on age. In general, these are transitory episodes. This does not affect their health.

Vary within the same food family:

  • Does your child not like milk?

Offer a portion of a different dairy product instead (yoghurt, drinking yoghurt, cheese, grated cheese on vegetables or in soup, quark, etc.).

  • They don't like a particular vegetable, the colour or the texture of a vegetable?

Choose different vegetables instead and offer them in different forms: cooked, raw (after 8 months), in a salad, cut into sticks with a soft cheese dip (finger food), etc.

  • Doesn’t like meat or fish anymore?

Prepare it a different way, involve them in preparing the meal.

Don't force them, but don't give up either - set a good example.

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