Early childhood

How can I be active with my 12 to 36-month-old child ?

Habits are formed early in life: if you are active with your child, you will help them form good habits for life.

Between the ages of 12 and 24 months, children learn to walk, then to run and climb. Around the age of 2 years, they can hit a ball, and at around 3 they can pedal …

Give them the opportunity to be active: walks, ball games, exploring nature, play areas, swimming pools, etc.

It is recommended that any 24-hour period should include at least 180 minutes of physical activity across the day. Children should not be without exercise for too long.

Before the age of 3 years, limit time spent in front of the TV or on computers, etc. 

The Ministry of Health recommends  the guidelines of the "3-6-9-12" campaign developed by Dr Serge Tisseron in 2008 to teach children to avoid and use screens.

Regular physical activity helps your child to develop as they should. It is a crucial way for them to let off steam, develop motor skills and self-confidence, learn social skills and meet new people.

Being active from a young age also helps to develop good habits for later life.

The right thing to do 

Minimum 1 hour of physical activity per day for young people and minimum 30 minutes for adults.

Published by the Health Directorate (Direction de la santé)

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