
General tips relating to food :

  • Take the time to eat, and taste different foods.
  • Eat at the table, fully focused on your meal.
  • Avoid eating while walking along, in front of a screen or on your phone.

The distraction caused by the screen, phone, etc., makes us eat on auto-pilot. We aren't aware of how much food we've eaten, or the sensation of fullness. We tend to eat much larger quantities.

Elements of meditation for increased enjoyment of food : Mindful eating.

  • take small forkfuls, chew thoroughly before swallowing, pause briefly after each mouthful.
  • Listen to your feelings of hunger and fullness : establish why you are eating.
  • Reduce portion sizes : use smaller plates and take less; you can always have seconds.
  • Get rid of distractions: television, phone, computer, etc. 
  • Eat your meal in pleasant surroundings.
  • Use your 5 senses: look at, smell, taste, listen to and feel the food.

The right pattern

Meals are timed to meet our biological needs. If you skip a meal, you risk falling into the trap of grazing.

The time you spend on a meal is equally important. Your brain needs around ten minutes to register that you are eating. As a result, someone who eats quickly might consume a double portion before they feel full. The feeling of fullness comes after 20 minutes.

For more information, see the section on meal patterns.

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