Common issues when feeding babies milk


Some babies drink too much milk and because of the immaturity of the stomach sphincter, they spit up excess milk. Even if baby spits up a good amount of milk, there is no need to worry as long as she is developing normally.

When in doubt, ask your pediatrician for advice.


Baby swallows air during feeding. The air will be released from the stomach when baby burps after a feed or bottle. To do this, hold baby in an upright position until she burps. However, do not insist on this for more than 15 minutes.

Breastfed babies swallow less air and do not burp as often as bottle-fed babies.


A healthy infant does not need to drink outside of breastfeeding or formula feeding. In hot weather, a baby who is still exclusively breastfed may ask for the breast more often and should have free access to feed as much as she wants. The mother should ensure that she drinks enough water to avoid baby being thirsty, despite multiple feedings. A baby receiving mixed feeding or a nonbreastfed baby may be offered water that is suitable for preparing baby food. Do not add anything to the water, such as herbal tea or fruit juice. Above all, never add sugar or sweetened herbal teas, as this will accustom baby to a sweet taste and will constitute a significant intake of sugars.

For the same reason, do not give her any other drink. This could also lead to baby refusing her milk, which is so important to her.

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