
The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends exclusively breastfeeding until the age of six months, and beyond then,

breastfeeding should continue with the introduction of food until the age of two or older. The introduction of new foods is recommended at the earliest at 4 months of age (4 months + 1 day, i.e. 17 weeks) and at the latest at the beginning of the 7th month.

It is important to be aware of the developmental signs of your child.

Breast milk has the ideal composition to nourish your baby and is the best food for development and growth. Extending breastfeeding increases its benefits.


Some advantages and benefits for baby quelques avantages du lait maternel pour votre enfant

  • Its composition is always adapted to the different needs of your baby;
  • Its composition evolves over time according to your baby's needs, and is perfectly suited to their digestion.
  • It is well tolerated and easy to digest;
  • its composition varies during the feeding;
  • it promotes good sleep;
  • its taste varies according to the mother’s diet, which helps baby to develop her own sense of taste;
  • it contains bioactive substances that have beneficial effects;
  • it contains antibodies and protects against infections;
  • it reduces the risk of allergies;
  • it is clean and free of harmful germs;
  • it promotes healthy intestinal flora;
  • it is always ready and at the right temperature.

Some advantages and benefits for the mother quelques avantages de l’allaitement pour la mère

  • Breastfeeding helps to reduce the size of the uterus after childbirth;
  • it has a protective effect against certain cancers such as breast and ovarian cancer;
  • Breastfeeding strengthens the mother’s bones and helps to reduce some bone fractures after the menopause;
  • It promotes weight loss in the mother, even if she increases her caloric intake, as recommended throughout the lactation period;
  • It does not require any specific preparation and is a time saver;
  • it is good for the environment;
  • it has practical aspects: no need to prepare a bottle in the middle of the night, no need to plan for an outing or a trip.

Breastfeeding is much more than food. Skin-to-skin contact and emotional warmth reassure baby and gives her that loving foundation of trust that is important for psychological development. Consult your paediatrician about any changes to your baby's diet.

It is important not to be discouraged, even if in the beginning, breastfeeding is sometimes difficult. The initial inconveniences should soon disappear, leaving room for special moments to be shared with your child.

If you have questions, a problem, or just need support, talk to an experienced breastfeeding midwife, lactation consultant, breastfeeding group or your pediatrician.


Some infants ask to nurse several times during the day at short intervals. They do not let go of the breast for 2-4 hours before taking a break. It is important to know that this variability in feeding frequency is normal and you can accommodate the infant’s requests.

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