Lower calorie alternatives

Breakfast cereals 

Home-made muesli with oats, petals, grains, nuts and dried fruit is a good low-sugar alternative.

When you buy ready-to-eat breakfast cereals, be careful to check the Nutri-Score.

Sandwiches and bread with spreads

You can easily make a balanced, healthy sandwich:

  • Choose wholemeal or wholegrain bread.
  • Pick a light filling : ham, chicken breast, grilled meat, cold slices of roast meat, fish, cheese, houmous, for example, rather than salami, sausage, meat or fish in sauce, tuna mayonnaise, curried chicken, etc.
  • Choose just one filling, for example have just cheese or just ham.
  • Add as many vegetables as you like: green salad, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions...
  • Keep sauces, butter and oil to a minimum.

Fast food

  • Make your own pizzas at home, Italian-style, with a thin base and garnish with vegetables, lean meat, fish or seafood - don't overdo the cheese! 
  • Instead of buying ready-to-eat hamburgers, make your own with pure lean beef and add raw vegetables.
  • Choose a healthy sandwich, a pure beef hamburger, chicken burger or shish kebab rather than "saucisson" or "Grillwurscht", "Mettwurscht" and "Kéisswurscht"-type sausages. Add some wholemeal bread and vegetables as a garnish.
  • Jacket potatoes are a good alternative to chips.

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