Nutritional needs for breastfeeding mothers

Advantages of breastfeeding for the mother :

  • Breastfeeding helps to shrink the uterus to its pre-pregnancy size more quickly.
  • Breastfeeding helps to protect against certain women's cancers.
  • Breastfeeding helps with weight loss.
  • Breastfeeding also has practical advantages: it saves you making up a bottle in the middle of the night, and there's less to prepare before going out or travelling.
  • Breast milk is always fresh and always available. Plus, it costs nothing.

Breastfeeding mothers have higher energy and nutritional needs. These are usually covered by the reserves built up during pregnancy and by eating a balanced diet.

Substances to avoid


The caffeine in tea and coffee will pass into your breast milk. Infants are unable to remove caffeine from their bodies as quickly as adults, and so it may have a temporary stimulant effect. Try to drink no more than 3 cups of coffee per day.


You should avoid alcohol, as it goes directly into your bloodstream, making its way into your milk and therefore into your child's body. Although the occasional drink may not appear to pose a specific risk, it is best to exercise caution and avoid all alcoholic drinks, including spirits, wine, beer, etc.

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